Governor Evers (D-WI) has extended the options for future teachers in Wisconsin. By signing SB 742, Governor Evers allows American Board to continue providing a fast and affordable route to teacher certification in the state. Thanks to Governor Evers’s support, it remains possible to teach in Wisconsin, without going into debt earning your certification.
American Board in Wisconsin
American Board was first approved to certify teachers in Wisconsin in 2017. Since then, more 1,300 Wisconsin teachers have earned their certification with American Board. While American Board has strong partnerships with some of the state’s biggest school districts such as Green Bay Public Schools, American Board teacher graduates are currently working in more than 140 districts across the state.
Notably, American Board proud to have received the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction during the legislative session. This support was surely due to the strong performance of American Board teachers across the state.
How to Teach in Wisconsin
The steps to earning certification in Wisconsin are simple. First, enroll in American Board’s program for Wisconsin. Second, when the timing is best for you, study the provided online materials. You’ll be given ample materials including workbooks, content standards, and an online textbook which covers all final exam content. You can move through this study material in the timeframe that works best for you. Then, when you’re ready, you’ll take your final exams. This concludes the work you’ll do to earn your American Board certificate. You’re now ready to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for your teaching license.
It’s worth noting that American Board aims to provide the fastest and most affordable route to teacher certification in Wisconsin. As such, we are the only program that does not require our teacher candidates to complete the EdTPA for licensure in Wisconsin. This saves future teachers time and money on the road to licensure.
Learn more by visiting www.americanboard.org/wisconsin.