Transform Your Classroom with EduProtocols (ELA edition)

As educators, we’ve all faced the challenge of keeping students engaged while covering the required curriculum. Traditional methods often fall short, leaving both students and teachers feeling frustrated. 

But, as Ditch that Textbook readers know, it doesn’t have to be this way. If you haven’t yet heard of it yet, there’s a great way to transform this teaching practice and make learning exciting and effective: EduProtocols.

Definition: EduProtocols are versatile, student-centered lesson frames designed to maximize student engagement and achievement.

They are the brainchild of educational innovators Marlena Hebern and Jon Corippo, and have been further developed in my new book, “The EduProtocols Field Guide: ELA Edition” (with contributions from Jon and Marlena).

Why EduProtocols Work

EduProtocols are built on the idea of creating repetitive, predictable activities that allow students to focus on the content rather than the process. This iteration doesn’t lead to boredom; instead, it builds confidence and mastery. Here’s how it works “under the hood:”

  1. Iterative Learning: EduProtocols emphasize the power of iteration, allowing students to revisit and refine their understanding through repeated practice and feedback, which leads to deeper learning.
  2. Ipsative Assessment: By giving students space to compare their current performance with their previous work, EduProtocols promote personal growth and continuous improvement, making learning a personalized journey rather than a competition.
  3. Student-Centered Learning: EduProtocols prioritize student choice and voice, aligning perfectly with a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered education.
  4. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): EduProtocols naturally support SEL by creating a learning environment that fosters self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. For instance, collaborative activities help students build strong interpersonal skills and empathy, while iterative feedback processes enhance self-awareness and self-regulation.
  5. Digital Integration: Most EduProtocols can be seamlessly integrated with technology, supporting the push towards digital literacy and competency. And if you prefer analog, most of them work that way, too!
  6. Collaborative Learning: These protocols encourage teamwork and peer-to-peer learning, fostering essential 21st-century skills like collaboration and communication.
  7. The 4Cs: Each EduProtocol embodies the Four Cs identified by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills—Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity—ensuring students develop essential skills for modern life.

An EduProtocol to Try: Wicked Hydra EduProtocol

One standout EduProtocol from the new ELA Edition that works in any content area is the Wicked Hydra. This activity is designed to foster deep questioning and collaborative thinking by having students build upon each other’s questions in a branching, mind map-like structure. Here’s how it works:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Set Up: Begin with an open-ended question, thought-provoking image, or quote relevant to your lesson. This serves as the base for your Wicked Hydra.
  2. Break Into Groups: Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a large piece of paper and the opening prompt. You could have them do this on a whiteboard, too.
  3. Initial Questions: Instruct them to generate the first tier of questions that move deeper into the topic. Consider using a questioning matrix or stems from Bloom’s Taxonomy if needed.
  4. Collaboration and Expansion: Have students move around the room, adding further questions to other groups’ papers. Each new question should build on the previous ones, creating a branching, mind map-like structure. Like the mythical hydra, each head sprouts more heads!
  5. Research and Answer: Give each student a 3×5 card and have them revisit each station, recording one solid question they think they can answer. Back at their desks, students work to research and answer that question.
  6. Presentation: Use a digital tool like Padlet for students to share their questions and answers quickly. Alternatively, collect the 3×5 cards as exit tickets.
  7. Optional Closure: Ask students to answer, “What new idea did you uncover today?” either as a written response or a class discussion.

Check out this TikTok tutorial to see Wicked Hydra in action!

Why It Works:

  • Critical Thinking: Encourages deeper, non-linear thinking, and inquiry by continually expanding on initial questions toward undetermined end-points.
  • Engagement: The collaborative and iterative nature of the activity keeps students engaged and invested in the learning process. And, for our struggling learners, they have easy in-roads by reading so many example questions and engaging as they see fit.
  • Skill Development: Enhances questioning techniques, critical thinking, and the ability to connect disparate ideas.
  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Wicked Hydra fosters a supportive learning environment where students build empathy by working together, respect diverse perspectives, and enhance their communication and relationship skills through collaboration and discussion.
  • Iterative Learning: Students revisit and refine their questions and answers, deepening their understanding through continuous feedback and improvement.
  • Ipsative Assessment: Students can see their growth over time by comparing their initial questions and answers with their refined versions, fostering a sense of personal achievement and progress.
  • The 4Cs: This protocol promotes Collaboration through group work, Communication through discussion and sharing, Critical Thinking through question development, and Creativity through the unique connections made in the branching questions and ability to follow previously unforeseen lines of thought.

Final Thoughts

EduProtocols are more than just lesson plans; they are a framework for fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment. By incorporating activities like Wicked Hydra, you can make your teaching more effective and enjoyable for both you and your students.

For those looking to dive deeper, “The EduProtocols Field Guide: ELA Edition” offers a wealth of strategies and activities designed to help you teach better and work less. Embrace the EduProtocols way and watch your classroom come alive with creativity and enthusiasm.

For more insights and innovative teaching strategies, visit Ditch That Textbook, and explore the full range of EduProtocols at

Happy teaching!

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